Regular program 2024-2025 season
The deadline has extended until February 15, 2025.
Some of the guidelines for our regular season program may have changed since last season, so please look over the rules carefully.
Participant Eligibility & Repertoire
The regular program of the American Fine Arts Festival is open to Instrumentalists and vocalists of all nationalities, K-12, college-level and amateur adults. Participants must perform one piece or one song from the standard repertoire.
Each piece must be a minimum of 16 measures in length.
The performance time in the concert is strictly limited.
A. 6-10 years of age - time limit for performance is 5 minutes
B. 11-14 years of age - time limit for performance is 5 minutes
C. 15-18 years of age - time limit for performance is 6 minutes
D. college students - time limit for performance is 7 minutes
E. amateur adults - time limit for performance is 6 minutes
An additional minute of time for performance can be taken for $100.
Performers are required to perform from memory.
How to apply..
Applicants should submit their audition performance via YouTube, Drop box, iCloud, transfer or other popular file sharing systems, along with a completed Application Form and a non-refundable application fee.
• The recording must be free of background noise and distortion.
• Applications and recording should be sent via email to: afafestival1@gmail.com
Winners’ Concerts & Awards
Participants who pass the auditions will be invited to perform in one of our Winners’ Concerts, to be held in June-October 2025 in New York City. Festival winners chosen to perform in our Winners’ Concert series will be awarded Certificates of Excellence. Teachers will be awarded Recognition Diplomas. In addition, winners will be provided with five complimentary tickets to their recital.
Please note that the prizes do not include travel, winners will be responsible for making their own travel arrangements.
Where: New York. US
Winners’ Concerts — Venues & Dates
When: June - October 2025.
Winners’ Concerts for the 2024-2025 Regular Season Program of the American Fine Arts Festival are currently scheduled to take place between June – October 2025, in the following venues: Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall and the Bruno Walter Auditorium at Lincoln Center. Please note that other venues or extra concert dates may be announced later in the season.
Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall Concert dates: Sunday June 8 , 2025 at 1 and 7pm.
Address: 154 West 57th Street, NY, NY
Recital Fee: $450. This fee includes participation in the concert, five guest tickets, 4 digital pictures, Certificate of Excellence and Diploma of Recognition for the teacher.
The Recital fee for ensembles is $350/person.
Bruno Walter auditorium at Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts. Concert date: TBA
Address: 40 Lincoln Center Plaza, NY, NY
Recital Fee: $400. This fee includes participation in the concert, four complimentary seats, 4 digital pictures, Certificate of Excellence and Diploma of Recognition for the teacher. The Recital fee for ensembles is $200 /per person.
The application fee is $250 for solo and $150 for ensemble members.
Please make checks payable to Art & Music Unlimited, and send it to the American Fine Arts Festival, P.O. Box 106, Holmdel, NJ 07733.
Application and recital fees are non-refundable.
Applications and audition recording must be postmarked no later than February 15, 2025.
Audition results will be announced on this website on or after March 15, 2025
Mailing Address
American Fine Arts Festival,
P.O. Box 106,
Holmdel, NJ 07733.